奥島 真一郎 / OKUSHIMA, Shinichiro

システム情報系 准教授 / Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems


論文 / Publication

  1. Prevalence of energy poverty in Japan: A comprehensive analysis of energy poverty vulnerabilities Raúl Castaño-Rosa, Shinichiro Okushima 20-479 (2020)
  2. Energy poor need more energy, but do they need more carbon? OKUSHIMA, Shinichiro USAEE/IAEE Working Paper 20-458 (2020)
  3. Engendering an inclusive low-carbon energy transition in Japan: Considering the perspectives and awareness of the energy poor Andrew Chapman, Shinichiro Okushima 135 (2019)
  4. Understanding regional energy poverty in Japan: A direct measurement approach Shinichiro Okushima 193 174 - 184 (2019)
  5. Measuring Energy Poverty via Energy Service Usage: The Japanese case OKUSHIMA, Shinichiro USAEE/IAEE Working Paper 18-352 (2018)
  6. 「エネルギー貧困」・「エネルギー脆弱性」・「エネルギー正義」 : 日本における現状と課題 (特集 エネルギー正義) 奥島 真一郎 科学 87 (11) 1019 - 1027 (2017)
  7. 「エネルギー正義」について 奥島 真一郎 科学 = Science Journal Kagaku 87 (11) 1009 - 1009 (2017)
  8. Gauging energy poverty: A multidimensional approach Shinichiro Okushima 137 1159 - 1166 (2017)
  9. Measuring energy poverty in Japan, 2004–2013 Shinichiro Okushima Energy Policy 98 557 - 564 (2016)
  10. Effect of information presentations on consumer emotions to induce power saving actions Tomonori Nakayama, Hirotaka Osawa, Shinichiro Okushima, Hirohisa Aki 821 - 826 (2016)

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