上市 秀雄 / Ueichi, Hideo

システム情報系 准教授 / Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems

関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE

Innovating the Medical Service by Combining Mathematical and Management Sciences


論文 / Publication

  1. 一般市民の更生支援に対する認知および参加意向の向上にむけた検討 讃井, 知, 上市, 秀雄 更生保護学研究 55 - 65 (2019)
  2. Understanding confidence in human papillomavirus vaccine in Japan: A web-based questionnaire survey of mothers, female adolescents, and health care professionals. Shuto, M, Kim, Y, Ouchi, K, Ueichi, Hideo, Nnadi, C, Perez, G, Larson, H, Sasaki, S (2019)
  3. Frequency of grooming the eyebrows and cosmetic consciousness in men. Oda, Y, Ueichi, H, Kikuchi, K (2016)
  4. The relationship between quantity of information contact and public evaluation of volunteer probation officers to promote understanding Sanai, S, Ueichi, H (2016)
  5. The relationships between a metacognition scale and adaptive behavior in the regret situations: A comparison between junior high-school and university students. Muromachi, Y, Ueichi, H (2016)
  6. Effect of self-efficacy and social norms on behavioral intentions for nature conservation. Imai, Y, Ueichi, H, Takagawa, S, Kadoya, T, Takamura, N (2016)
  7. Factors influencing differences between useful and useless regret. Ueichi, H, Tuya, K (2016)
  8. 裁判員参加意向を規定する要因および意思決定プロセスの差異:制度施行前後の比較 上市 秀雄, 楠見 孝 認知科学 22 (3) 326 - 340 (2015)
  9. 市民の生態系サービスへの認知が保全行動意図に及ぼす影響:全国アンケートを用いた社会心理学的分析 今井,葉子, 角谷,拓, 上市,秀雄, 高村,典子 保全生態学研究 19 (1) 15 - 26 (2014)
  10. どのようにリスクを伝えればよいか:よりよいリスクコミュニケーションのために必要なこと 上市秀雄 建築雑誌 128 (1641) 12 - 13 (2013)

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