岡田 朗 / Okada, Akira
数理物質系 講師 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences
論文 / Publication
- Solvent Effects on Ionization Potentials of Guanine Runs and Chemically Modified Guanine in Duplex DNA: Effect of Electrostatic Interaction and Its Reduction due to Solvent Satoshi Yokojima, Norifumi Yoshiki, Wataru Yanoi, Akira Okada 113 (51) 16384 - 16392 (2009)
- 3SB55 生体分子における電子移動反応 : 理論にできること(タンパクと電子,エネルギーの移動 : 理論は生物物理研究に役立つのか?) 岡田, 朗 生物物理 45 (1) (2005)
- 13pTA-8 グアニン並びのエナンェティクス(高分子及び英語セッション, 領域 12) 横島, 智, 吉識, 典史, 八野井, 渡, 岡田, 朗 日本物理学会講演概要集 59 (2) 300 (2004)
- Solvent effects on the suppression of oxidative decomposition of guanines by phenyl group attachment in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) S Yokojima, W Yanoi, N Yoshiki, N Kurita, S Tanaka, K Nakatani, A Okada 108 (22) 7500 - 7505 (2004)
- 29pYB-4 Charge transfer in DNA containing single-base mismatch Yokojima, Satoshi, Okada, Akira 日本物理学会講演概要集 59 (1) 381 (2004)
- 29pWE-5 修飾されたDNA中のホール移動 : 輸送距離の増加に伴って速くなる輸送(タンパク質・核酸・生体膜)(領域12) 大林, 正明, 横島, 智, 岡田, 朗 日本物理学会講演概要集 59 (1) 375 (2004)
- 'Charge transfer in duplex DNA containing mismatch' 岡田, 朗 J.Mol. Struc.(Theochem) 630 283-290 (2003)
- "Vibrational energy accumulation in dendrimers by infrared radiation. inducing nonlinear dependence of isomerization rates on the low light intensity" 岡田, 朗 Chem. Phys. Lett. 340 336-342 (2001)
- "Optical absorption of long range electron transfer systems in intense fields" 岡田, 朗 J. Chin. Chem. Soc. 47 615-623 (2000)
- "Fractional power dependence of the mean lifetime of a first order reaction on the time scale of environment relaxation in the slow diffusion limit" 岡田, 朗 J. Chem. Phys. 112 8595-8604 (2000)
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