鈴木 博章 / Suzuki, Hiroaki

数理物質系 教授 / Professor, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences

関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE

2022年度第4回「数理物質系学際セミナー」伊敷 吾郎・鈴木 博章
Microdevice with integrated multi-enzyme sensors for the measurement of pork freshness
A micro IrOx potentiometric sensor for direct determination of organophosphate pesticides


論文 / Publication

  1. Microfabricated electrochemical sensing devices Sassa, F, Biswas, G. C, Suzuki, Hiroaki Lab Chip 20 (8) 1358 - 1389 (2020)
  2. 細胞活性測定のためのマイクロセンシングシステム 佐藤達哉, 朴善浩, 薛安汝, 鈴木博章 Bioelectrochemistry 87 329 - 333 (2019)
  3. Mass-producible disposable needle-type ion-selective electrodes for plant research Md, A. Miah, Y., Nakagawa, R., Tanimoto, R., Shinjo, M., Kondo, 鈴木, 博章 RSC Advances 9 30309 (2019)
  4. Perforated Bimodal Interferometric Biosensor for Affinity Sensing Ken Uchiyamada, Kyohei Okubo, Kiyoshi Asakawa, Yuri Kamon, Yukiya Kitayama, Toshfumi Takeuchi, Hiroaki Suzuki 4 (9) 1800533 (2019)
  5. On-site rapid detection of antibacterial activity of neutrophils using freeze-dried bacteria Tanabe, K, Kinoshita, M, Nakashima, M, Kariya, K, Yokokawa, M, Morimoto, Y, Suzuki, Hiroaki Med. Dev. Sens. 2 e10030 (2019)
  6. Active junctions to improve sensitivity and detection limit of a microdevice based on coulometry coupled with silver metallization Anshori, I, Takie, S, Suzuki, Hiroaki Electrianalysis 31 (9) 1630 - 1634 (2019)
  7. Trimodal polymer waveguide interferometer for chemical sensing Ebihara, K, Uchiyamada, K, Asakawa, K, Okubo, K, Suzuki, Hiroaki JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 58 (6) 062005 (2019)
  8. A simple micropump based on a freeze-dried superabsorbent polymer for multiplex solution processing in disposable devices Biswas, G. C, Rana, M. M, Takekoshi, K, Suzuki, Hiroaki Royal Soc. Open Sci. 6 (3) 182213 (2019)
  9. The reduced bactericidal activity of neutrophils as an incisive indicator of water-immersion restraint stress and impaired exercise performance in mice M., Kinoshita, H., Nakashima, M., Nakashima, M., Koga, H., Toda, K., Koiwai, Y., Morimoto, H., Miyazaki, D., Saitoh, 鈴木, 博章, S., Seki Sci. Rep. 9 4562 (2019)
  10. Microfluidic device with a push-pull sequential solution exchange function for affinity sensing S, K. Pramanik, 鈴木, 博章 Microfluid. Nanofluid. 23 (2) 19 (2019)

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知財 / Intellectual properties

  1. 特願2009-79027 : 自動溶液注入デバイス 鈴木博章, 高島篤司, 三枝理伸, 赤木与志郎
  2. 特願2009-75953 : 生乳検査装置並びにこれを用いた体細胞数測定方法及び家畜症状診断方法 鈴木博章, 西泰治, 二階堂祐子, 綾野賢, 岡桂子
  3. 特願2008-270073 : 微小参照電極デバイス 鈴木博章, 安達貴広
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