武井 陽介 / Takei , Yosuke
医学医療系 教授 / Professor, Faculty of Medicine
関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE
論文 / Publication
- Effects of RORγt overexpression on the murine central nervous system Sasaki, Tetsuya, Nagata, Rei, Takahashi, Satoru, Takei, Yosuke Neuropsychopharmacology Reports 00 1 - 9 (2021)
- Anomalous atrium associated with persistent left superior vena cava Shutoh, Fumihiro, Masuda, Tomoyuki, Sasaki, Tetsuya, Takei, Yosuke Anatomical Science International (2021)
- Intraventricular IL-17A administration activates microglia and alters their localization in the mouse embryo cerebral cortex Tetsuya Sasaki, Saki Tome, Yosuke Takei 13 (1) 1 - 7 (2020)
- インターロイキン17Aによる大脳皮質内ミクログリア活性化と局在への影響―IL-17Aによる大脳皮質構築異常とASD発現機構の理解を目指して― 佐々木, 哲也, 高田 拓弥, 武井 陽介 日本生物学的精神医学会誌 31 (3) 154 - 158 (2020)
- Effects of IL-17A on activation and localization of microglia in murine cerebral cortex – Aiming to understand cortical abnormalities and ASD pathogenesis by IL-17A – (Review). Tetsuya Sasaki, Peiyi Bao, Takuya Takada, Yosuke Takei Japanese Journal of Biological Psychiatry 31 (3) in press (2020)
- ASDリスク遺伝子産物ミオシンIdの樹状突起スパイン局在機構 佐々木, 哲也, 武井陽介 日本生物学的精神医学会誌 31 (2) 93 - 97 (2020)
- Localization Mechanism of Myosin Id, an ASD Risk Gene Product in Dendritic Spines Sasaki, Tetsuya, Takei, Yosuke Japanese Journal of Biological Psychiatry 31 (2) 93 - 97 (2020)
- Imaging of activity-dependent local translation in dendrite using photoconvertible protein Suguru, Iwata, Tetsuya, Sasaki, Yosuke, Takei Medical Science Digest 46 (6) 64 - 65 (2020)
- Intraventricular IL-17A Administration Activates Microglia and Alters Their Localization in the Mouse Embryo Cerebral Cortex. Sasaki, Tetsuya, Tome, Saki, Takei, Yosuke Research Square (2020)
- Effects of RORγt overexpression on the murine central nervous system Sasaki, Tetsuya, Nagata, Rei, Takahashi, Satoru, Takei, Yosuke Research Square (2020)
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