柳田 優子 / Yanagida, Yuko

人文社会系 教授 / Professor, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences


論文 / Publication

  1. Two types of alignment change in nominalizations: Austronesian and Japanese Edith, Aldridge, Yanagida, Yuko Diachronica: International Journal for Historical Linguistics (forthcoming) (2020)
  2. A Diachronic Perspective on Differential Object Marking in Pre-modern Japanese Bjarke,Frellesvig, Stephen Horn, Yuko Yanagida Diachrony of Differential Argument Marking [Studies in Diversity Linguistics], Berlin: Language Science Press 183 - 207 (2018)
  3. Differential Subject Marking and its demise in the History of Japanese Yanagida,Yuko Studies in Diversity Linguistics, Language Science Press 401 - 422 (2018)
  4. A Korean grammatical borrowing in Early Middle Japanese kunten texts and its relation to the syntactic alignment of earlier Korean and Japanese John,Whitman, Yanagida,Yuko Japanese/Korean Linguistics Vol.21 21 121 - 135 (2015)
  5. Differential Object Marking in Old Japanese: A Corpus Based Study Bjarke,Frellesvig, Stephen Horn, Yanagida,Yuko Historical Linguistics: Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 334, John Benjamins 195 - 211 (2015)
  6. 言語類型論からみた上代日本語の主語表示・目的語表示 柳田,優子 日本語学33号 (33) 124 - 137 (2014)
  7. The Restructuing of the Japanese Pronominal System 単著 Japanese/Korean Linguistics Vol.20 20 (2011)
  8. Syntactic Reanalysis of Pronouns as Demonstratives: A Case of Degrammaticalization 単著 English Linguistics Vol 27 (2) 399-422 (2010)
  9. Alignment and word order in Old Japanese Yuko Yanagida, John Whitman 18 (2) 101 - 144 (2009)
  10. Alignment and Word Order in Old Japanese Yanagida, J.Whitman, 柳田, 優子 Journal of East Asian Linguistics 18 101-144 (2009)

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