加藤 光保 / Kato, Mitsuyasu

医学医療系 系長 / Provost, Faculty of Medicine

関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE

Overexpression of the transcription factor yin-yang-1 suppresses differentiation of HaCaT cells in three-dimensional cell culture
Protein kinase C-dependent upregulation of miR-203 induces the differentiation of human keratinocytes
新しい乳がん幹細胞指標の発見 ~膜タンパク質 GPNMB が幹細胞としての特性を誘導する!?~
乳がんの腫瘍形成・転移形成における新たな仕組みの解明 ~トリプルネガティブ型乳がんの治療標的を求めて~
シグナル伝達の異常に起因した疾患 を治療する創薬開発に向けた研究
Research for drug discovery to treat diseases caused by abnormal cellular signaling
悪性腫瘍の治癒を目指す 〜創薬開発に向けて
For drug discovery to cure malignant tumors


論文 / Publication

  1. PMEPA1/TMEPAI isoforms function via its PY and Smad interaction motifs for tumorigenic activities of breast cancer cells Puteri, Meidi U, Watanabe, Yukihide, Wardhani, Bantari W K, Amalia, Riezki, Abdelaziz, Mohammed, Kato, Mitsuyasu Genes to cells 25 (6) 375 - 390 (2020)
  2. TGF-β-Induced TMEPAI Attenuates the Response of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells to Doxorubicin and Paclitaxel BW, Wardhani, MU, Puteri, Watanabe, Yukihide, M, Louisa, R, Setiabudy, M, Kato J Exp Pharmacol. 12 17 - 26 (2020)
  3. Promotion of cellular senescence by THG-1/TSC22D4 knockout through activation of JUNB Zhang, Xin, Koga, Natsumi, Suzuki, Hiroyuki, Kato, Mitsuyasu Biochemical and biophysical research communications 522 (4) 897 - 902 (2019)
  4. THG-1 suppresses SALL4 degradation to induce stemness genes and tumorsphere formation through antagonizing NRBP1 in squamous cell carcinoma cells Hwang, Jongchan, Haque, Md Anwarul, Suzuki, Hiroyuki, Dijke, Peter Ten, Kato, Mitsuyasu Biochemical and biophysical research communications 523 (2) 307 - 314 (2019)
  5. Generation of non-standard macrocyclic peptides specifically binding TSC-22 homologous gene-1. Sophie T PhuongDung Tran, Christopher J Hipolito, Hiroyuki Suzuki, Rudy Xie, Huynh Dam Kim Tuyen, Peter Ten Dijke, Naohiro Terasaka, Yuki Goto, Hiroaki Suga, Mitsuyasu Kato 516 (2) 445 - 450 (2019)
  6. TMEPAI/PMEPA1 inhibits Wnt signaling by regulating β-catenin stability and nuclear accumulation in triple negative breast cancer cells Amalia, Riezki, Abdelaziz, Mohammed, Puteri, Meidi Utami, Hwang, Jongchan, Anwar, Femmi, Watanabe, Yukihide, Kato, Mitsuyasu Cellular signalling 59 24 - 33 (2019)
  7. Role of the kringle-like domain in glycoprotein NMB for its tumorigenic potential Xie, Rudy, Okita, Yukari, Ichikawa, Yumu, Fikry, Muhammad Ali, Huynh Dam, Kim Tuyen, Tran, Sophie Thi PhuongDung, Kato, Mitsuyasu Cancer science 110 (7) 2237 - 2246 (2019)
  8. Decreased sensitivity of several anticancer drugs in TMEPAI knockout triple-negative breast cancer cells Wardhani, Bantari Wisynu Kusuma, Puteri, Meidi Utami, Watanabe, Yukihide, Louisa, Melva, Setiabudy, Rianto, Kato, Mitsuyasu MEDICAL JOURNAL OF INDONESIA 28 (2) 110 - 115 (2019)
  9. PMEPA1/TMEPAI knockout impairs tumor growth and lung metastasis in MDA-MB-231 cells without changing monolayer culture cell growth Abdelaziz, Mohammed, Watanabe, Yukihide, Kato, Mitsuyasu Journal of biochemistry 165 (5) 411 - 414 (2019)
  10. Stereodivergent Synthesis of Bispyrrolidinoindoline Alkaloidal Scaffolds and Generation of a Lead Candidate with Stereospecific Anti-proliferative Activity Wada, Mitsuhiro, Suzuki, Hiroyuki, Kato, Mitsuyasu, Oikawa, Hideaki, Tsubouchi, Akira, Oguri, Hiroki Chembiochem : a European journal of chemical biology 20 (10) 1273 - 1281 (2019)

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