藤原 あや / Fujiwara, Aya
人間系 助教 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Human Sciences
関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE
論文 / Publication
- Training Conditions for Establishing Visual Level 2 Perspective-Taking in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Asaoka Hiroshi, Fujiwara Aya, Noro Fumiyuki Psychology 11 (6) 908 - 935 (2020)
- Promoting social play based on ecological assessment and social play selection conditions of a child with autism spectrum disorder in an inclusive early childhood classroom Fujiwara Aya, Sonoyama Shigeki Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities 54 288 - 300 (2019)
- School refusal behavior in students with intellectual disabilities and comorbid disorders in Japan: A brief review Hong Ee Rea, Fujiwara Aya, Sonoyama Shigeki Journal of Special Education Research 8 (1) 31 - 40 (2019)
- わが国における保育場面で場面緘黙を示す幼児の支援に関する文献的検討 藤原あや, 園山 繁樹 障害科学研究 43 125 - 136 (2019)
- Difficulties in spontaneously performing level 2 perspective-taking skills in children with autism spectrum disorder Asaoka Hiroshi, Takahashi Tomoya, Chen Jiafei, Fujiwara Aya, Watanabe Masataka, Noro Fumiyuki Advances in Autism 5 (4) 243 - 254 (2019)
- The effects of selection and intervention in social play based on an ecological assessment of a child with autism spectrum disorder at a kindergarten Fujiwara, Aya, Sonoyama, Shigeki Journal of Special Education Research 7 (1) 47 - 56 (2018)
- 認定こども園における自閉症スペクトラム児に対する社会的遊びの支援-遊びの選定方法と支援の効果の検討- 藤原あや, 園山 繁樹 自閉症スペクトラム研究 15 (2) 25 - 35 (2018)
- 減算において自動化への移行に困難を抱える自閉スペクトラム症児への Cover – Copy – Compare 手続きの効果の検討 真名瀬 陽平, 藤原 あや, 朝岡 寛史, 野呂 文行 障害科学研究 42 (1) 81 - 90 (2018)
- 幼児期のインクルーシブ教育・保育に関する一考察-「幼稚園教育要領」と「保育所保育指針」記載事項の変遷を中心に- 園山繁樹, 藤原あや 人間と文化 1 221 - 226 (2017)
- 自閉症スペクトラム児に対する自己管理スキルの般化促進の可能性の検討 : 日常生活スキルの自発的遂行に焦点を当てて 朝岡 寛史, 藤原 あや, 真名瀬 陽平, 野呂 文行, Asaoka Hiroshi, Fujiwara Aya, Manase Youhei, Noro Fumiyuki 障害科学研究 40 135 - 148 (2016)
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