LARSON MICHAEL WILLIAM / Larson, Michael William 2025年2月現在、筑波大学が主たる所属機関ではありません
筑波大学 人文社会系 助教 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Tsukuba
論文 / Publication
- Pearl S. Buck, Pavilion of Women, and Early Twentieth-Century Chinese Feminism Larson,Michael William 実践英文学 (71) 29 - 47 (2019)
- The Mayor of Nowhere Larson,Michael William Metropolis 28 - 31 (2018)
- Jameson's Affective Turn: Bodily States, Temporality, and Aesthetics after Modernity Larson,Michael William Poetics Today 751 - 761 (2017)
- The Anxiety of Intimacy of in Hiromi Kawakami’s ‘The Nakano Thrift Shop' Larson,Michael William Los Angeles Review of Books (2017)
- The Hills Above, the Sea Below Larson,Michael William The Iowa Review 99 - 105 (2017)
- The Folkloric and the Fantastic: Hiromi Kawakami’s ‘Record of a Night Too Brief’ Larson,Michael William Los Angeles Review of Books (2017)
- The Rancher Who Refused to Leave: A Fukushima Story Larson,Michael William Catapult (2017)
- The Sad March of the Japanese Left Larson,Michael William Los Angeles Review of Books (2017)
- Of God and Water Larson,Michael William Portland Review 61 (2) 79 - 112 (2015)
- A Colossal Swell Larson,Michael William Ninth Letter 11 (2) 12 - 18 (2015)
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発行:筑波大学 URA研究戦略推進室・研究推進部
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