三目 直登 / Mitsume, Naoto

システム情報系 助教 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering,Information and Systems


論文 / Publication

  1. An explicit MPS/FEM coupling algorithm for three-dimensional fluid-structure interaction analysis Zumei Zheng, Guangtao Duan, Naoto Mitsume, Shunhua Chen, Shinobu Yoshimura 121 192 - 206 (2020)
  2. Direct-Forcing/Fictitious Domain 法による流体剛体連成解析における補間・分散関数の改良 川上 幸亮, 三目 直登, 金子 栄樹, 吉村 忍 日本計算工学会論文集 (2020)
  3. A novel ghost cell boundary model for the explicit moving particle simulation method in two dimensions Zumei Zheng, Guangtao Duan, Naoto Mitsume, Shunhua Chen, Shinobu Yoshimura 66 (1) 87 - 102 (2020)
  4. Parallel analysis system for free-surface flow using MPS method with explicitly represented polygon wall boundary model Naoto Mitsume, Tomonori Yamada, Shinobu Yoshimura 7 (2) 279 - 290 (2020)
  5. Hyper-dual numbersを用いたOgden型超弾性モデルの定式化とその性能評価 藤川 正毅, 田中 真人, 井元 佑介, 三目 直登, 浦本 武雄, 山中 脩也 日本機械学会論文集 86 (881) 19-00256 (2020)
  6. Fundamental theorem of matrix representations of hyper-dual numbers for computing higher-order derivatives Yusuke Imoto, Naoya Yamanaka, Takeo Uramoto, Masato Tanaka, Masaki Fujikawa, Naoto Mitsume 12 29 - 32 (2020)
  7. Development of two intrinsic cohesive zone models for progressive interfacial cracking of laminated composites with matching and non-matching cohesive elements Shunhua Chen, Naoto Mitsume, Tinh Quoc Bui, Wei Gao, Tomonori Yamada, Mengyan Zang, Shinobu Yoshimura Composite Structures 229 (2019)
  8. A nodal-based extrinsic cohesive/contact model for interfacial debonding analyses in composite structures Chen Shunhua, Mitsume Naoto, Gao Wei, Yamada Tomonori, Zhang Mengyan, Yoshimura Shinobu COMPUTERS & STRUCTURES 215 80 - 97 (2019)
  9. Time-based dynamic load balancing algorithm for domain decomposition with particle method adopting three-dimensional polygon-wall boundary model Mizuno Yoshiki, Mitsume Naoto, Yamada Tomonori, Yoshimura Shinobu JOURNAL OF ADVANCED SIMULATION IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 6 (2) 282 - 297 (2019)
  10. 差分法と粒子法による歩行者流のハイブリッド解析 藤岡 良輔, 三目 直登, 山田 知典, 吉村 忍 応用力学論文集Vol.22(特集) 75 (2) I_195 - I_201 (2019)

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