辻 泰岳 / Tsuji, Yasutaka

芸術系 助教 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Art and Design


論文 / Publication

  1. 占領下のアントニン・アンド・ノエミ・レーモンド: 「Japanese Household Objects」展と文化の外交 辻泰岳 文化資源学 (18) 1 - 16 (2020)
  2. 方法としてのディスプレー:国立近代美術館の会場設計について 辻 泰岳 文化資源学 (16) 53 - 68 (2018)
  3. From Design to Environment: “Art and Technology” in Two 1966 Exhibitions at the Matsuya Department Store Yasutaka Tsuji Review of Japanese Culture and Society 28 275 - 296 (2016)
  4. On the Eve of Expo ’70: The Japan Pavilion and Environment Art at the 1967 Montreal Expo Yasutaka Tsuji Proceedings of 11th International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia 807 - 812 (2016)
  5. Too Far East is West: The Visionary Architecture Exhibition as a Background to Metabolism Yasutaka Tsuji East Asian Architectural History Conference 2015 Proceedings 827 - 832 (2015)
  6. 「空間から環境へ」展(1966年)について 辻 泰岳 日本建築学会計画系論文集 79 (704) 2291 - 2298 (2014)

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