金子 元 / Kaneko, Hajime
数理物質科学研究科(系) 助教 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences
論文 / Publication
- On the digital representation of smooth numbers Yann Bugeaud, 金子元 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 165 533 - 540 (2018)
- On subwords in the base-q expansion of polynomial and exponential functions 金子元, Thomas Stoll Integers 18A (2018)
- Algebraic independence of the values of power series with unbounded coefficients 金子元 Arkiv for Matematik 55 61 - 87 (2017)
- Cauchy-Carlitz numbers Hajime Kaneko, Takao Komatsu 163 238 - 254 (2016)
- On the number of nonzero digits in the beta-expansions of algebraic numbers Hajme Kaneko 136 205 - 223 (2016)
- On the beta-expansions of 1 and algebraic numbers for a Salem number beta Hajime Kaneko 35 (4) 1243 - 1262 (2015)
- Explicit algebraic dependence formulae for infinite products related with Fibonacci and Lucas numbers Hajime Kaneko, Takeshi Kurosawa, Yohei Tachiya, Taka-aki Tanaka 168 (2) 161 - 186 (2015)
- Applications of numerical systems to transcendental number theory 金子元 RIMS Kokyuroku Bessatsu B46 175 - 186 (2014)
- On the fractional parts of powers of algebraic numbers 金子元 RIMS Kokyuroku Bessatsu B34 127 - 136 (2012)
- On the number of digit changes in base-b expansions of algebraic numbers 金子元 Uniform Distribution Theory 7 (2) 141 - 168 (2012)
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