浅野 敦之 / Asano, Atsushi

生命環境系 助教 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences

関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE

精子のタウリン不足が不妊を招く ~精子が雌生殖器道内での浸透圧的ストレスを回避するメカニズムの発見~
Food Security


論文 / Publication

  1. Localization and function of GLUT1 glucose transporter in chicken sperm (Gallus gallus domesticus): relationship between ATP production pathways and flagellar motility. Asano, Atsushi, Priyadarshana, Chathura, Setiawan, Rangga, Tajima, Atsushi, Travis, Alexander J Reproduction, Fertility and Development (in press) 32 (7) 697 - 705 (2020)
  2. Membrane raft-mediated regulation of glucose signaling pathway leading to acrosome reaction in chicken sperm Ai, Ushiyama, Priyadarshana, Chathura, Setiawan, Rangga, Hitoshi, Miyazaki, Naoto, Ishikawa, Atsushi, Tajima, Asano, Atsushi Biology of Reproduction (accepted) 100 (6) 1482 - 1491 (2019)
  3. Angelica keiskei (Ashitaba) powder and its functional compound xanthoangelol prevent heat stress-induced impairment in sperm density and quality in mouse testes Kokubu, Daichi, Ooba, Ryousuke, Abe, Yukiko, Ishizaki, Hana, Yoshida, Shigeki, Asano, Atsushi, Kashiwabara, Shin-Ichi, Miyazaki, Hitoshi Journal of Reproduction and Development 65 (2) 139 - 146 (2019)
  4. Cysteine dioxygenase is essential for mouse sperm osmoadaptation and male fertility Atsushi Asano, Heather B. Roman, Lawrence L. Hirschberger, Ai Ushiyama, Jacquelyn L. Nelson, Meleana M. Hinchman, Martha H. Stipanuk, Alexander J. Travis 285 (10) 1827 - 1839 (2018)
  5. Membrane Rafts Regulate Sperm Acrosome Reaction via cAMP-dependent Pathway in Chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) Priyadarshana, Chathura, Tajima, Atsushi, Ishikawa, Naoto, Asano, Atsushi Biology of Reproduction (accepted) 99 (5) 1000 - 1009 (2018)
  6. Dynamic Changes of Main Rumen Microflora and Ruminal Fermentation in Sheep Supplemented with Molasses-Urea Li, C, Alatengdalai, S., Xue, A., Asano, A., Tajima, N., Ishikawa Journal of Rangeland Science 8 (1) 1 - 10 (2018)
  7. Modification of membrane cholesterol and desmosterol in chicken spermatozoa improves post-thaw survival and prevents impairment of sperm function after cryopreservation Ai Ushiyama, Atsushi Tajima, Naoto Ishikawa, Atsushi Asano 30 (4) 591 - 599 (2018)
  8. Characterization of the functions and proteomes associated with membrane rafts in chicken sperm Ushiyama, Ai, Tajima, Atsushi, ISHIKAWA, Naoto, Asano, Atsushi PloS one 12 (11) (2017)
  9. Effects of molasses-urea supplementation on weight gain, ruminal fermentation and major microbe populations of winter-grazing sheep in Inner Mongolia Li, C, Alatengdalai, Xue, S, Guo, T, Asano, A, Tajima, A, Ishikawa, N Journal of Northeast Agricultural University 24 (1) 48 - 58 (2017)
  10. Effects of molasses-urea supplementation on weight gain, ruminal fermentation and major microbe populations of winter-grazing sheep in Inner Mongolia Li, C, Alatengdalai, Xue, S, Guo, T, Asano, A, Tajima, A, Ishikawa, N Journal of Northeast Agricultural University 24 (1) 48 - 53 (2017)

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