八幡 穣 / Yawata, Yutaka
生命環境系 助教 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences
関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE
論文 / Publication
- 特集 ERATO野村集団微生物制御プロジェクトについて~細菌の集団形成と社会性の創発~(後編) 第98巻 第7号 346–367(2020) 野村, 暢彦, 高橋, 晃平, 久能, 樹, Andrew, S. Utada, 重藤, 真介, 菊池, 洋輔, 田岡, 東, 八幡, 穣, 竹下, 典男 生物工学会誌 第 98巻 第 7号 346–367.2020 (2020)
- Reconstruction of Single-Cell Innate Fluorescence Signatures by Confocal Microscopy Hirayama, Tomohiro, Takabe, Kyosuke, Kiyokawa, Tatsunori, Nomura, Nobuhiko, Yawata, Yutaka Journal of Visualised Experiments (159) (2020)
- Intra and inter species variability of single-cell innate fluorescence signature of microbial cell Yawata, Yutaka, Kiyokawa, Tatsunori, Kawamura, Yuhki, Hirayama, Tomohiro, Takabe, Kyosuke, Nomura, Nobuhiko Applied and environmental microbiology 85 (18) (2019)
- Generating Controlled, Dynamic Chemical Landscapes to Study Microbial Behavior 八幡, 穣, Carrara, F, Brumley, D. R, Hein, A. M, Salek, M. M, Lee, K. S, Sliwerska, E, Levin, S. A, Stocker, R Journal of Visualised Experiments (2019)
- Bacteria push the limits of chemotactic precision to navigate dynamic chemical gradients Brumley, Douglas R, Carrara, Francesco, Hein, Andrew M, Yawata, Yutaka, Levin, Simon A, Stocker, Roman Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116 (22) 10792 - 10797 (2019)
- A Foraging Mandala for Aquatic Microorganisms Fernandez, Vicente I, Yawata, Yutaka, Stocker, Roman The ISME journal 13 (3) 563 - 575 (2018)
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知財 / Intellectual properties
- 2019-002223 : 顕微観察方法及び顕微観察用試料保持具 八幡,穣
- PCT/JP2017/047414 : データ作成方法及びデータ使用方法 野村, 暢彦, 八幡穣, 清川達則
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発行:筑波大学 URA研究戦略推進室・研究推進部
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