山際 伸一 / Yamagiwa, Shinichi
システム情報系 准教授 / Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems
関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE
論文 / Publication
- Exception Handling Method Based on Event from Look-Up Table Applying Stream-Based Lossless Data Compression Shinichi Yamagiwa, Koichi Marumo, Suzukaze Kuwabara 10 (3) 240 (2021)
- Autonomous Parameter Adjustment Method for Lossless Data Compression on Adaptive Stream-Based Entropy Coding Shinichi Yamagiwa, Suzukaze Kuwabara 8 186890 - 186903 (2020)
- Stream-Based Lossless Data Compression Applying Adaptive Entropy Coding for Hardware-Based Implementation Shinichi Yamagiwa, Eisaku Hayakawa, Koichi Marumo 13 (7) 159 (2020)
- Adaptive entropy coding method for stream-based lossless data compression Shinichi Yamagiwa, Eisaku Hayakawa, Koichi Marumo 265 - 268 (2020)
- Non-invasive intravital observation of lingual surface features using sliding oral mucoscopy techniques in clinically healthy subjects. Satoko Tsuchida, Ken Yoshimura, Naoki Nakamura, Naoki Asanuma, Shin-Ichi Iwasaki, Yukio Miyagawa, Shinichi Yamagiwa, Takashi Ebihara, Yuko Morozumi, Tomoichiro Asami, Naoki Kosuge 108 (1) 43 - 56 (2020)
- Reducing Symbol Search Overhead on Stream-based Lossless Data Compression Shinichi Yamagiwa, Ryuta Morita, Koichi Marumo Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Proceedings of ICCS2019), Springer 11540 619 - 626 (2019)
- Optimization in the parallelism extraction algorithm with spanning tree on a multi‐GPU environment Guyue Wang, Koichi Wada, Shinichi Yamagiwa IEEJ TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING 862 - 869 (2019)
- Bank Select Method for Reducing Symbol Search Operations on Stream-based Lossless Data Compression Shinichi Yamagiwa, Ryuta Morita, Koichi Marumo Proceedings of Data Compression Conference (DCC) 2019 (2019)
- Time-sharing Multithreading on Stream-based Lossless Data Compression Koichi Marumo, Shinichi Yamagiwa In Proceedings of The Fifth International Symposium on Computing and Networking, pp. 305-310, IEEE, (2017)
- Stream-based lossless data compression hardware using adaptive frequency table management Shinichi Yamagiwa, Koichi Marumo, Hiroshi Sakamoto 9495 133 - 146 (2016)
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知財 / Intellectual properties
- 特願2014-216756 : 評価値算出プログラム、評価値算出方法、情報処理装置 山際 伸一
- 特願2018-163608 : データ圧縮器、データ圧縮方法、データ解凍プログラム、データ解凍器、データ解凍方法、データ圧縮プログラムおよびデータ圧縮解凍システム 山際伸一, 丸茂孝一, 森田隆太
- 特願2018-084816 : 音楽性情報提供方法、音楽性情報提供装置、及び音楽性情報提供システム 山際伸一, 河原吉伸, 栂井秀方, 北川喜康, 田中郁生, 仲井智子
- 特願2013-144661 : プログラム、及び情報処理装置 山際 伸一
- 特願2015-063449 : データ圧縮・解凍システム、データ圧縮方法及びデータ解凍方法、並びにデータ圧縮器及びデータ解凍器 山際 伸一, 坂本 比呂志
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発行:筑波大学 URA研究戦略推進室・研究推進部
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