水野谷 剛 / Mizunoya, Takeshi

生命環境系 准教授 / Associate Professor, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences

関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE

日本地域学会 第15回博士論文賞
日本地域学会 第13回最優秀発表賞


論文 / Publication

  1. Impact of the municipal merger on watershed management: a study of Lake Kasumigaura, Japan Mizunoya, Takeshi, Nozaki, Noriko, Singh, Rajeev Kumar Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science (2021)
  2. Guangdong’s embodied carbon emission in China’s inter-provincial trade based on MRIO model Yu, Chen, Mizunoya, Takeshi, Yan, Jingjing, Li, Li Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2021)
  3. Determinants of farmers’ adaptation decisions to climate change in the central coastal region of Vietnam Vo, Hoang Ha, Mizunoya, Takeshi, Nguyen, Cong Dinh Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science (2021)
  4. 名取川流域における再生可能エネルギーを考慮した統合的流域管理 亀崎, 龍一, 永峯, 弘規, Yabar, Helmut, 水野谷, 剛 日本地域学会第57回(2020年)年次大会 学術発表論文集 (2020)
  5. Sustainability Understanding of Buriganga River Restoration in Bangladesh by Inclusive Wealth and System Dynamics Modelling Kumar, BIPUL, Yabar, Helmut, Takeshi, Mizunoya 日本地域学会第57回(2020年)年次大会 学術発表論文集 (2020)
  6. A Study on Economic Impacts of the Namche 1 Hydropower Project in Laos NHIAKAO, Kongyang, Helmut, Yabar, Mizunoya, Takeshi 日本地域学会第57回(2020年)年次大会 学術発表論文集 (2020)
  7. Rice Farmers’ Post-Harvest Losses: An Economic value of degraded Swampy Wetlands in the Northern and Ashanti Region of Ghana DARKWAH, Baffoe Jonathan, Helmut, Yabar, Mizunoya, Takeshi 日本地域学会第57回(2020年)年次大会 学術発表論文集 (2020)
  8. Comparison of environmental standards for surface water quality OTGONBAYAR, Zagdragchaa, BOLD, Altantuya, Mizunoya, Takeshi, SHIMIZU, Kazuya 日本地域学会第57回(2020年)年次大会 学術発表論文集 (2020)
  9. Assessing Tourists’ Preferences for the Conservation of Moeyungyi Wetland Wildlife Sanctuary, Myanmar PHYOE, Suu Suu, Helmut, Yabar, Mizunoya, Takeshi 日本地域学会第57回(2020年)年次大会 学術発表論文集 (2020)
  10. Unlocking the Energy Recovery Potential from Sustainable Management of Bio-Resources Based on GIS Analysis: Case Study in Hanoi, Vietnam Khue, Dao Minh, Helmut, Yabar, Mizunoya, Takeshi Resources 9 (11) (2020)

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