山下 創一郎 / Yamashita, Soichiro
医学医療系 講師 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine
論文 / Publication
- Thrombosis incidence after recombinant active factor VII administration in paediatric cardiac surgery Tachi, Keitaro, Takahashi, Shinji, Ishigaki, Maiko, Nakayama, Shin, Yamashita, Soichiro, Hiramatsu, Yuji, Tanaka, Makoto Indian journal of anaesthesia 63 (10) 856 - 859 (2019)
- Sedation with Single Use of Thiamylal is Feasible Compared with Ketamine Plus Midazolam for Proton Beam Therapy Inaba, Masako, Nakao, Tomohei, Yoshimura, Yumika, Hosaka, Sho, Tao, Kayoko, Suzuki, Ryoko, Fukushima, Hiroko, Yamaki, Yuni, Yamashita, Soichiro, Mizumoto, Masashi, Sakurai, Hideyuki, Fukushima, Takashi, Takada, Hidetoshi PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER 65 (3) S56 - S56 (2018)
- 塩酸コルホルシンダロパートとミルリノンを用いて管理した高度の心機能低下を来した褐色細胞腫の1症例 田地慶太郎, 山下, 創一郎, 田中誠 麻酔 67 (5) 532 - 535 (2018)
- Unexpected Exacerbation of Tracheal Stenosis in a Patient with Hunter Syndrome Undergoing Cardiac Surgery Terabe, Nobue, Yamashita, Soichiro, Tanaka, Makoto Case reports in anesthesiology 2018 (2018)
- 気管憩室様の解剖学的異常が残存した先天性食道閉鎖症根治術後の患児の気道異物に対する硬性気管支鏡の麻酔経験 田地慶太郎, 山下創一郎, 田中 誠 麻酔 65 (8) 824 - 827 (2016)
- Efficacy of the transillumination method for appropriate tracheal tube placement in small children: a randomized controlled trial Soichiro Yamashita, Shinji Takahashi, Yoshiko Osaka, Kenzo Fujikura, Koya Tabata, Makoto Tanaka 27 (1) 12 - 16 (2015)
- 中咽頭腫瘍患者において気管支ファイバースコープガイド下の経鼻気管挿管を施行したところ、気管チューブが先進せずさらに腫瘍から出血をきたしたためCVCIに陥った症例 山下, 創一郎 蘇生 33 (3) 198a - 198a (2014)
- The anesthetic management of a patient with stiff-person syndrome undergoing thymectomy. Tadokoro, T, Yamashita, S, Ishigaki, M, Takahashi, S, Tanaka, M Masui 61 (2) 193 - 196 (2012)
- Intracranial hemorrhage from undiagnosed metastatic brain tumor during general anesthesia Soichiro Yamashita, Taeko Fukuda, Takeru Shimizu, Makoto Tanaka 23 (7) 562 - 564 (2011)
- Endotracheal Tube Extubation Force: Adhesive Tape Versus Endotracheal Tube Holder Takeru Shimizu, Taro Mizutani, Soichiro Yamashita, Keiichi Hagiya, Makoto Tanaka 56 (11) 1825 - 1829 (2011)
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