松林 麻実子 / Matsubayashi, Mamiko
図書館情報メディア系 講師 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Library, Information and Media Science
論文 / Publication
- 日本の大学・研究機関における研究データの管理,保管,公開:質問紙調査に基づく現状報告 倉田, 敬子, 松林, 麻実子, 武田, 将季 情報管理 60 (2) 119 - 127 (2017)
- Identifying the complex position of research data and data sharing among researchers in natural science Keiko Kurata, Mamiko Matsubayashi, Shinji Mine 7 (3) (2017)
- Users’ Preferences for Answer Forms to Reference Questions in Libraries Furusawa, Tomohiro, Matsubayashi, Mamiko, Satoh, Tetsuji Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS) 245 - 251 (2016)
- Understanding Undergraduate Students’ Information Practices in Collaborative Work in Face-to-Face and Online Settings Takeda, Masaki, Matsubayashi, Mamiko, Toshimori, Atsushi Proceedings of the 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Library & Information Education & Practice (A-LIEP 2016). 217 - 228 (2016)
- オープンアクセスと大学図書館(第5分科会:学術情報流通の現状と将来) 松林,麻実子 専門図書館 (279) 75 - 79 (2016)
- Remarkable Growth of Open Access in the Biomedical Field: Analysis of PubMed Articles from 2006 to 2010 Keiko Kurata, Tomoko Morioka, Keiko Yokoi, Mamiko Matsubayashi 8 (5) (2013)
- Need and search for specialized information in the scientific, technical and medical fields by the general public in Japan after the Great East Japan Earthquake Mamiko,Matsubayashi, Atsushi,Toshimori, Keiko,Kurata Proceedings of ISIC: Information Behaviour conference 2012 (2012)
- 日本の研究機関に所属する研究者における電子メディア利用実態 : ライフサイエンス領域の研究者を対象とした実態調査報告 松林, 麻実子, 歳森, 敦, 永田, 治樹 日本図書館情報学会誌 55 (3) 141 - 154 (2009)
- Status of open access in the biomedical field in 2005 Mamiko Matsubayashi, Keiko Kurata, Yukiko Sakai, Tomoko Morioka, Shinya Kato, Shinji Mine, Shuichi Ueda 97 (1) 4 - 11 (2009)
- Electronic journals and their unbundled functions in scholarly communication: Views and utilization by scientific, technological and medical researchers in Japan Keiko Kurata, Mainiko Matsubayashi, Shinji Mine, Toinohide Muranushi, Shuichi Ueda 43 (5) 1402 - 1415 (2007)
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