繆 瑩 / Miao, Ying

システム情報系 教授 / Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems

関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE

Separable codes
On anti-collusion codes and detection algorithms for multimedia fingerprinting
Optical orthogonal codes: their bounds and new optimal constructions
Optimal frequency hopping sequences: Auto- and cross-correlation properties
A systematic construction for radar arrays
Optimal frequency hopping sequences: A combinatorial approach
Combinatorial constructions of optimal optical orthogonal codes with weight 4


論文 / Publication

  1. On optimal weak algebraic manipulation detection codes and weighted external difference families Shao, Minfeng, Miao, Ying DESIGNS CODES AND CRYPTOGRAPHY Epub (2020)
  2. On Optimal Locally Repairable Codes With Multiple Disjoint Repair Sets Cai, Han, Miao, Ying, Schwartz, Moshe, Tang, Xiaohu IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY 66 (4) 2402 - 2416 (2020)
  3. Improved Bounds for Separable Codes and B-2 Codes Gu, Yujie, Fan, Jinping, Miao, Ying IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS 24 (1) 15 - 19 (2020)
  4. Probabilistic Existence Results for Parent-Identifying Schemes Gu, Yujie, Cheng, Minquan, Kabatiansky, Grigory, Miao, Ying IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY 65 (10) 6160 - 6170 (2019)
  5. Non-adaptive group testing on graphs with connectivity Luo, S, Matsuura, Y, Miao, Ying, Shigeno, Maiko Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 38 (1) 278 - 291 (2019)
  6. Bounds on Traceability Schemes Yujie Gu, Ying Miao 64 (5) 3450 - 3460 (2018)
  7. Zero-Difference Balanced Functions With New Parameters and Their Applications Han Cai, Zhengchun Zhou, Xiaohu Tang, Ying Miao 63 (7) 4379 - 4387 (2017)
  8. Separable Codes Minquan Cheng, Lijun Ji, Ying Miao 58 (3) 1791 - 1803 (2012)
  9. On Anti-Collusion Codes and Detection Algorithms for Multimedia Fingerprinting Minquan Cheng, Ying Miao 57 (7) 4843 - 4851 (2011)
  10. Perfect Difference Families, Perfect Difference Matrices, and Related Combinatorial Structures Gennian Ge, Ying Miao, Xianwei Sun 18 (6) 415 - 449 (2010)

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