猪股 伸一 / Inomata, Shinichi

医学医療系 准教授 / Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine


論文 / Publication

  1. Effect of opioid receptor polymorphism on the risk factor for breast cancer in Japanese Inomata, Shinichi, Ishigaki, Maiko www.ejanaesthesiology.com 36 (June) e-Supplement 57 - e-Supplement 57 (2019)
  2. The Effect of Premedication with Clonidine in Children’s MAC-BIS50 of Sevoflurane Inomata, Shinichi, Ishigaki, Maiko www.ejanaesthesiology.com 36 (June) e-Supplement 57 - e-Supplement 57 (2019)
  3. 放射線治療後の気管の屈曲があり、分離肺換気にLMA ProSealと気管支ブロッカーを用いた1症例 猪股, 伸一, 猪狩亜沙美 麻酔 68 (4) 413 - 415 (2019)
  4. 一側肺換気を契機に発見された肺塞栓とアンチトロンビンIII欠乏症 猪股, 伸一, 猪狩亜沙美 麻酔 68 (4) 378 - 380 (2019)
  5. Occlusion of the pulmonary artery by a primary pulmonary artery sarcoma resulting in cardiac arrest: a case report Tachi, Keitaro, Inomata, Shinichi, Tanaka, Makoto JA CLINICAL REPORTS 5 (2019)
  6. スマートフォンを気管支鏡のモニターとして使うためのデバイス(i-NTER LENSTM)の共同開発 梅﨑, 健司, 猪股, 伸一 日臨麻会誌 38 (3) 310 - 314 (2018)
  7. Brain connectivity of chronic pain patients. Inomata,Shinichi Eur J Anaesth. 2017 June; 34, e-Supplement 55, www.ejanaesthesiology.com. (2017)
  8. Iliac fossa block is useful for postoperative analgesia of total hip arthroplasty. Inomata,Shinichi Eur J Anaesth. 2017 June; 34, e-Supplement 55, www.ejanaesthesiology.com. (2017)
  9. The ropivacaine concentration required for ultrasound-guided rectus sheath block in pediatric patients undergoing laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair surgery. Inomata,Shinichi Eur J Anaesth. 2017 June; 34, e-Supplement 55, www.ejanaesthesiology.com. (2017)
  10. The MAC-BIS50-tetanus of desflurane decreases by aging. Inomata,Shinichi Eur J Anaesth. 2017 June; 34, e-Supplement 55, www.ejanaesthesiology.com. (2017)

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