三河 寛 / Mikawa, Hiroshi
数理物質系 講師 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences
論文 / Publication
- SUMS OF FIVE CUBES OF PRIMES Hiroshi Mikawa, Temenoujka Peneva 46 (3) 345 - 354 (2009)
- SUMS OF FIVE CUBES OF PRIMES(Analytic Number Theory) Mikawa, Hiroshi, Peneva, Temenoujka 数理解析研究所講究録 1512 95 - 101 (2006)
- A variant of the Bombieri-Vinogradov theorem(Analytic Number Theory and Surrounding Areas) Mikawa, Hiroshi, Peneva, Temenoujka 数理解析研究所講究録 1511 136 - 144 (2006)
- Primes in arithmetic progressions to spaced moduli H Mikawa, TP Peneva 84 (3) 239 - 248 (2005)
- On primes in arithmetic progressions. Mikawa, H Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics 25 (1) 121-153 (2001)
- On exponential sums over primes in arithmetic progressions. Mikawa, H Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics 24 (2) 351-360 (2000)
- On Goldbach numbers in arithmetic progressions. Mikawa, H Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics 24 (2) 361-385 (2000)
- On the sum of three squares of primes. Mikawa, H London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Series, Cambridge University Press. 247 253-264 (1997)
- On the sum of a prime and a square. Mikawa, H Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics 17 (2) 299-310 (1993)
- On the intervals between consecutive numbers that are sums of two primes. Mikawa, H Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics 17 (2) 443-453 (1993)
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