谷口 俊介 / Yaguchi, Shunsuke

生命環境系 准教授 / Associate Professor, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences

関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE

色素を欠損したアルビノウニの系統作製に成功 〜ウニ研究へ分子遺伝学導入の試み〜
ウニもヒトも腸の幽門開口は類似の仕組みで制御されている ~一酸化窒素による幽門開口メカニズムの進化~
バフンウニのゲノムを解読 〜研究・教育推進のためにゲノムデータベースを公開〜
決まった位置にセロトニン神経が形成されるメカニズムの一端を解明 ~ウニ初期胚を用いた研究から~(2016.05)
生命の源「海」を見つめ、 「ヒト」をより深く理解する
Investigate the source of life “sea” to deeply understand “human beings”
Explore the life principles of whole organisms
発生初期の胚から“脳”が形成されていく仕組みに迫る ~ウニの初期胚において神経外胚葉形成制御の一端を解明~


論文 / Publication

  1. Establishment of homozygous knock-out sea urchins Yaguchi, Shunsuke, Yaguchi, Junko, Suzuki, Haruka, Kinjo, Sonoko, Kiyomoto, Masato, Ikeo, Kazuho, Yamamoto, Takashi Current Biology 30 (10) R427 - R429 (2020)
  2. Temnopleurus as an emerging echinoderm model Yaguchi, Shunsuke Methods in cell biology 150 71 - 79 (2019)
  3. Analysis of neural activity with fluorescent protein biosensors Burke, Robert D, Yaguchi, Shunsuke Methods in cell biology 151 519 - 526 (2019)
  4. Whole mount in situ hybridization techniques for analysis of the spatial distribution of mRNAs in sea urchin embryos and early larvae Erkenbrack, Eric M, Croce, Jenifer C, Miranda, Esther, Gautam, Sujan, Martinez-Bartolome, Marina, Yaguchi, Shunsuke, Range, Ryan C Methods in cell biology 151 177 - 196 (2019)
  5. cis-Regulatory analysis for later phase of anterior neuroectoderm-specific foxQ2 expression in sea urchin embryos Yamazaki, Atsuko, Yamamoto, Akane, Yaguchi, Junko, Yaguchi, Shunsuke Genesis (New York, N.Y. : 2000) 57 (6) (2019)
  6. Evolution of nitric oxide regulation of gut function Yaguchi, Junko, Yaguchi, Shunsuke Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116 (12) 5607 - 5612 (2019)
  7. Meis transcription factor maintains the neurogenic ectoderm and regulates the anterior-posterior patterning in embryos of a sea urchin, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus Yaguchi, Junko, Yamazaki, Atsuko, Yaguchi, Shunsuke Developmental biology 444 (1) 1 - 8 (2018)
  8. Transforming growth factor-ß signal regulates gut bending in the sea urchin embryo Suzuki, Haruka, Yaguchi, Shunsuke Development Growth and Differentiation 60 (4) 216 - 225 (2018)
  9. HpBase: A genome database of a sea urchin, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus Sonoko Kinjo, Masato Kiyomoto, Takashi Yamamoto, Kazuho Ikeo, Shunsuke Yaguchi 60 (3) 174 - 182 (2018)
  10. Calaxin establishes basal body orientation and coordinates movement of monocilia in sea urchin embryos Katsutoshi Mizuno, Kogiku Shiba, Junko Yaguchi, Daisuke Shibata, Shunsuke Yaguchi, Gerard Pruliere, Janet Chenevert, Kazuo Inaba 7 (1) (2017)

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