八反地 剛 / Hattanji, Tsuyoshi

生命環境系 准教授 / Associate Professor, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences

関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE

The climatic signature of incised river meanders


論文 / Publication

  1. SHALSTABと1-m DEMによる表層崩壊発生ポテンシャルの評価 : 山口県防府市剣川流域での事例 田中, 靖, 八反地, 剛, 山下久美子, 古市剛久, 土志田正二 地域学研究 33 31 - 45 (2020)
  2. 地球を俯瞰する自然地理学 近年多発する表層崩壊―地形学の視点 八反地,剛 科学 89 (10) 870 - 871 (2019)
  3. Prior assessment of the linkage of biological cover, surface strength, and exfoliation: A case of the first gallery in Angkor Wat Temple, Cambodia Wonsuh, SONG, 藁谷哲也, 小口千明, 八反地, 剛 地形 40 (4) 309 - 323 (2019)
  4. Preface: Frontiers in Geomorphology - Rock weathering and landscape evolution 藁谷哲也, 小口千明, 八反地, 剛 地形 40 (3) 201 - 202 (2019)
  5. Limestone weathering and doline evolution: A field experiment in the Akiyoshi-dai Plateau Hattanji, Tsuyoshi, Nawata, Akinori 地形 40 (3) 229 - 241 (2019)
  6. 書評 丸谷知己(編):砂防学 八反地,剛 地形 40 (3) 299 - 300 (2019)
  7. The role of debris flow on total denudation in small basins of the Ashio Mountains, Japan Hattanji, Tsuyoshi, Matsushi, Yuki, Matsuzaki, Hiroyuki, Wasklewicz, Thad A GEOMORPHOLOGY 329 129 - 137 (2019)
  8. 表層崩壊にともなう水路頭の移動と1次谷流域堆積物の年代の関係:広島県広島市安佐南区の花崗岩流域の事例 八反地, 剛, 児玉, 龍也, 古市, 剛久, 土志田, 正二, 田中, 靖 日本地理学会発表要旨集 2019 139 (2019)
  9. A laboratory experiment on salt weathering by humidity change: salt damage induced by deliquescence and hydration Sato, Masato, Hattanji, Tsuyoshi PROGRESS IN EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE 5 (2018)
  10. Topographic characteristics of rainfall-induced shallow landslides on granitic hillslopes: A case study in Hofu City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan Yamashita, Kumiko, Hattanji, Tsuyoshi, Tanaka, Yasushi, Doshida, Shoji, Matsushima, Takashi Tsukuba Geoenvironmental Sciences 13 23 - 29 (2017)

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