ARANHA CLAUS DE CASTRO / Aranha, Claus de Castro

システム情報系 助教 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems

関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE

The moeadr package: A component-based framework for multiobjective evolutionary algorithms based on decomposition
技術革新を支えるアルゴリズムと ソフトウェアを開発
Development of algorithms and software to support technological innovations


論文 / Publication

  1. MOEA/D with Random Partial Update Strategy Yuri, Lavinas, ARANHA, CLAUS DE CASTRO, Marcelo, Ladeira, Felipe, Campelo IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (2020)
  2. A Training Difficulty Schedule for Effective Search of Meta-Heuristic Design Jair, Pereira Junior, ARANHA, CLAUS DE CASTRO, Tetsuya, Sakurai Proc. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) (2020)
  3. INTEGRA: An Open Tool To Support Graph-Based Change Pattern Analyses In Simulated Football Matches Vago, Nicolo, Lavinas, Yuri, Rodrigues, Daniele, Moura, Felipe, Cunha, Sergio, Aranha, Claus de Castro, Torres, Ricardo 34th International ECMS Conference on Modeling and Simulation (2020)
  4. A Pragmatic Investigation of the Objective Function for Subsurface Data Assimilation Problem Chassagne, Romain, Aranha, Claus de Castro Operations Research Perspectives 7 (2020)
  5. Research Challenges for the Automated Negotiating Agents Competition (ANAC) 2019 Aydogan, Reyhan, Baarslag, Tim, Fujita, Katsuhide, Mell, Johnathan, Gratch, Jonathan, DeJonge, Dave, Mohammad, Yasser, Nakadai, Shinji, Morinaga, Satoshi, Osawa, Hirotaka, Aranha, Claus de Castro, Jonker, Catholijn 7 th International Conference on Agreement Technologies (2020)
  6. The MOEADr Package - A Component-Based Framework for Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms Based on Decomposition Campelo, Felipe, Batista, Lucas, Aranha, Claus de Castro Journal of Statistical Software 92 (6) 1 - 39 (2020)
  7. Improving Resource Allocation in MOEA/D with Decision-Space Diversity Metrics Lavinas, Yuri, Aranha, Claus de Castro, Ladeira, Marcelo Theory and Practice of Natural Computing 134 - 146 (2019)
  8. Solving Portfolio Optimization Problems Based on MOEA/D and Levy Flight He, Yifan, Aranha, Claus de Castro, 狩野均 日本進化計算学会第16回研究会 (2019)
  9. Analysis of Automatic Generated Swarm Intelligence using Grammatical Evolution Junior, Jair Pereira, Bogdanova, Anna, Aranha, Claus de Castro 日本進化計算学会第16回研究会 (2019)
  10. Negotiation in Hidden Identity: Designing Protocol for Werewolf Game Osawa, Hirotaka, Otsuki, Takashi, Aranha, Claus de Castro, Toriumi, Fujio In Twelfth International Workshop on Agent-based Complex Automated Negotiations (ACAN2019) (2019)

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