山中 勤 / Yamanaka, Tsutomu

生命環境系 教授 / Professor, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences

関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE

中部山岳のフィールドで 多様な環境変動を読み解く
Research to analyze a variety of environmental changes in the field of the Japanese Alps region
To benefit from water infinitely


論文 / Publication

  1. 滞留時間に関する諸概念と用語法 山中,勤, 辻村,真貴 水文・水資源学会誌 33 (4) 156 - 163 (2020)
  2. 同位体トレーサーで俯瞰する水の循環 山中,勤 科学 89 (8) 683 - 685 (2019)
  3. Root functional change achieves water source separation under vegetation succession Yamanaka, Tsutomu ECOHYDROLOGY 11 (7) (2018)
  4. A multiple time scale modeling investigation of leaf water isotope enrichment in a temperate grassland ecosystem Wang,Pei, Yamanaka,Tsutomu, Li,Xiao-Yan, Wu,Xiuchen, Chen,Bo, Liu,Yaping, Wei,Zhongwang, Ma,Wenchao Ecological research 33 (5) 901 - 915 (2018)
  5. Contaminant transport and fate in freshwater systems ? Integrating the fields of geochemistry, geomorphology and nanotechnology Yamanaka,Tsutomu Groundwater for Sustainable Development 7 336 - 342 (2018)
  6. A multiple time scale modeling investigation of leaf water isotope enrichment in a temperate grassland ecosystem Wang,Pei, Yamanaka,Tsutomu, Li,Xiao-Yan, Wu,Xiuchen, Chen,Bo, Liu,Yaping, Wei,Zhongwang, Ma,Wenchao Ecological research 33 (5) 901 - 915 (2018)
  7. 2016年度 Hydrological Research Lettersへの貢献をたたえる 仲江川, 敏之, 山中, 勤, 横尾, 善之, 松山, 洋, 徳永, 朋祥, 田中丸, 治哉, 林, 武司, 石田, 祐宣, 陸, 旻皎, 勝山, 正則, 佐山, 敬洋 水文・水資源学会誌 31 (2) 122 - 124 (2018)
  8. Hydrological Research Letters (HRL) の歩みと展望 山敷, 庸亮, 村上, 茂樹, 仲江川, 敏之, 山中, 勤 水文・水資源学会誌 31 (6) 575 - 579 (2018)
  9. 地名に見る文化の伝播 山中,勤 月刊 地理 62 (7) 79 - 83 (2017)
  10. 地名変化の復元と語源の推定 山中,勤 月刊 地理 62 (6) 58 - 62 (2017)

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