征矢 英昭 / Soya, Hideaki

体育系 教授 / Professor, Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences

関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE

Enduring exercise and making memories
Mild exercise improves sifting between similar memories
Why exercise and antioxidants are good for the brain
音楽に合わせた運動で「子どもの学力」アップ ~モンゴルでの大規模ランダム化比較試験で判明~
Astaxanthin supplementation enhances adult hippocampal neurogenesis and spatial memory in mice
Acute moderate exercise elicits increased dorsolateral prefrontal activation and improves cognitive performance with Stroop test
Positive effect of acute mild exercise on executive function via arousal-related prefrontal activations: An fNIRS study
軽い運動で記憶力向上 脳内の「歯状回」が活発化
短時間の軽運動で記憶力が高まる! ~ヒトの海馬の記憶システムが活性化されることを初めて実証~
運動三日坊主に朗報? ~身体活動性を高めるフルスルチアミン(ビタミン B1 誘導体)の中枢刺激効果を確認~
1週間前のキツめの運動が脳に効く! ―認知機能を標的としたスポーツコンディショニング法の確立に光明―
運動による脳疲労のメカニズムを解明 ―低酸素環境で行う中強度運動は前頭前野機能を低下させる―
少しキツくても休み休みの運動で認知機能アップ! —高強度インターバル運動で高まる認知機能と脳内神経基盤の解明—
アクティブライフは脳に効く ―持久力が高いほど海馬が関連する記憶能が優れていることが判明―
運動持久性を担う新たな脳機構を解明 ―脳グリコーゲン由来の乳酸が運動時の脳における重要なエネルギー源となる―
スポサイ (3)陸上【後編】用具の科学 |サイエンス チャンネル
スポサイ (3)陸上【中編】トレーニングの科学 |サイエンス チャンネル
スポサイ (3)陸上【前編】走りの科学 |サイエンス チャンネル
中強度運動はⅡ型糖尿病の認知機能改善に有効 ―海馬におけるグリコゲン由来の乳酸輸送の関与を解明―(2016.12)
天然色素・アスタキサンチン摂取による記憶能の向上! ―海馬の神経新生および空間記憶能の促進効果と分子基盤を解明―
持久力を保つことは脳の老化を防ぐ! ―高齢者における心血管機能と認知機能の相関性、その脳内機構を解明―
記憶を高めるには軽運動が有効! ~軽運動が記憶を高める分子基盤の一端を解明~
Publicness of Sport Policy
Scientific Innovation to Nurture Mental Strength: Body and Mind Integrated Science
Meet the World through the Olympic Games
「楽しみ」で運動が長続き 集中力や判断力も上昇
軽い運動でも認知機能は高まる! ―短時間の軽運動でも高まる実行機能と脳内神経基盤の解明―


論文 / Publication

  1. Spontaneous Eye Blink Rate Connects Missing Link between Aerobic Fitness and Cognition. Ryuta Kuwamizu, Kazuya Suwabe, Chorphaka Damrongthai, Takemune Fukuie, Genta Ochi, Kazuki Hyodo, Taichi Hiraga, Atsuko Nagano-Saito, Hideaki Soya In press (2020)
  2. Preventive role of regular low-intensity exercise during adolescence in schizophrenia model mice with abnormal behaviors. Hikaru Koizumi, Taichi Hiraga, Leandro K Oharomari, Toshiaki Hata, Takeru Shima, Jang Soo Yook, Masahiro Okamoto, Akihiro Mouri, Toshitaka Nabeshima, Hideaki Soya In press (2020)
  3. Combination of syringaresinol-di-O-β-D-glucoside and chlorogenic acid shows behavioral pharmacological anxiolytic activity and activation of hippocampal BDNF-TrkB signaling. Shouhei Miyazaki, Yoshio Fujita, Hirotaka Oikawa, Hideo Takekoshi, Hideaki Soya, Masato Ogata, Takahiko Fujikawa 10 (1) 18177 - 18177 (2020)
  4. Short-term lifestyle intervention program through daily walking improves circulatory low HDL level in rural Bangladeshi women Subrina Jesmin, Farzana Sohael, Md. Arifur Rahman, Adil Maqbool, Md. Majedul Islam, Takeru Shima, Nobutake Shimojo, Masao Moroi, Naoto Yamaguchi, Koichi Watanabe, Fumi Takeda, Hideaki Soya 9 (4) 181 - 190 (2020)
  5. Positive Mood while Exercising Influences Beneficial Effects of Exercise with Music on Prefrontal Executive Function: A Functional NIRS Study. Kazuya Suwabe, Kazuki Hyodo, Takemune Fukuie, Genta Ochi, Kazuki Inagaki, Yosuke Sakairi, Hideaki Soya (2020)
  6. Editorial: Neuromodulation of Exercise: Impact on Different Kinds of Behavior. Henning Budde, Bruna Velasques, Pedro Ribeiro, Hideaki Soya 14 455 - 455 (2020)
  7. The effectiveness of exercise intervention for academic achievement, cognitive function, and physical health among children in Mongolia: a cluster RCT study protocol. Kenji Takehara, Togoobaatar Ganchimeg, Akihito Kikuchi, Lkagvasuren Gundegmaa, Lkagvasuren Altantsetseg, Ai Aoki, Takemune Fukuie, Kazuya Suwabe, Shagdar Bat-Erdene, Masashi Mikami, Rintaro Mori, Hideaki Soya 19 (1) 697 - 697 (2019)
  8. Leptin in hippocampus mediates benefits of mild exercise by an antioxidant on neurogenesis and memory. Jang Soo Yook, Randeep Rakwal, Junko Shibato, Kanako Takahashi, Hikaru Koizumi, Takeru Shima, Mitsushi J Ikemoto, Leandro K Oharomari, Bruce S McEwen, Hideaki Soya 116 (22) 10988 - 10993 (2019)
  9. Correction: Riluzole reduces amyloid beta pathology, improves memory, and restores gene expression changes in a transgenic mouse model of early-onset Alzheimer's disease. Masahiro Okamato, Jason D Gray, Chloe S Larson, Syed Faraz Kazim, Hideaki Soya, Bruce S McEwen, Ana C Pereira 9 (1) 61 - 61 (2019)
  10. Acute Sprint Interval Exercise Increases Both Cognitive Functions and Peripheral Neurotrophic Factors in Humans: The Possible Involvement of Lactate. Sylwester Kujach, Robert Antoni Olek, Kyeongho Byun, Kazuya Suwabe, Emilia J Sitek, Ewa Ziemann, Radosław Laskowski, Hideaki Soya 13 1455 - 1455 (2019)

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知財 / Intellectual properties

  1. P246726 : 活動意欲向上剤 征矢英昭, 松井,崇, 島,孟留, 征矢茉莉子, 樫部智美, 北吉正人, 成戸丈紘
  2. 2009-058609 : 入浴による認知機能変化の評価方法 岩瀬範和, 征矢英昭, 柳澤弘樹
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