藤澤 誠 / Fujisawa, Makoto

図書館情報メディア系 准教授 / Associate Professor, Faculty of Library, Information and Media Science

関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE

Creation of devices to support but not replace human eyes


論文 / Publication

  1. 燃焼過程を考慮した炎のリアルタイムシミュレーション 藤澤, 誠, 佐々木, 浩幸, 三河, 正彦 画像電子学会誌 49 (4) 284 - 292 (2020)
  2. Intermediation Family: Workspace for Sharing Spatial Design among Multiple Users Tanaka, Kojiro, Mikawa, Masahiko, Fujisawa, Makoto The 2020 International Conference on Cyberworlds (Cyberworlds 2020) (2020)
  3. Previous Announcement Method Using 3D CG Face Interface for Mobile Robot Masahiko, Mikawa, Jiayi, Lyu, Makoto, Fujisawa, Wasuke, Hiiragi, Toyoyuki, Ishibashi Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics 32 (1) 97 - 112 (2020)
  4. Simulation Controlling Method for Generating Desired Water Caustics Kenta, Suzuki, Makoto, Fujisawa, Masahiko, Mikawa Proc. of the 2019 International Conference on Cyberworlds (Cyberworlds 2019) 163 - 170 (2019)
  5. Particle-based Volumetric Hair Interaction with Turbulent Flow Demura, Yuji, Fujisawa, Makoto, Mikawa, Masahiko Proc. of the 6th IIEEJ International Conference on Image Electronics and Visual Computing (IEVC 2019) (2019)
  6. Heart and Blood Flow Simulation Using Position Based Dynamics Imaromkul, Thanandon, Fujisawa, Makoto, Mikawa, Masahiko Proc. of the 6th IIEEJ International Conference on Image Electronics and Visual Computing (IEVC 2019) (2019)
  7. Shallow Water法による流体音のリアルタイムシミュレーション 長津, 舜, 藤澤, 誠, 三河, 正彦 Visual Computing 2019 予稿集 (2019)
  8. Face Memorization System Using the Mathematical AIM Model for Mobile Robot Chen, Haolin, Mikawa, Masahiko, Fujisawa, Makoto, Hiiragi, Wasuke 2019 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII2019) 651 - 656 (2019)
  9. Mobile Robot with Previous Announcement of Upcoming Operation Using Face Interface Lyu, Liayi, Mikawa, Masahiko, Fujisawa, Makoto, Hiiragi, Wasuke 2019 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII2019) 782 - 787 (2019)
  10. Simulation of Bubbles with Floating and Rupturing Effect for SPH Watanabe, Hiroki, Fujisawa, Makoto, Mikawa, Masahiko Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia 2018 Posters 10:1 - 10:2 (2018)

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