神田 晶申 / Kanda, Akinobu

数理物質系 教授 / Professor, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences

関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE

Low operating bias and matched input-output characteristics in graphene logic inverters
Influence of disorder on conductance in bilayer graphene under perpendicular electric field
CO2 問題の解決、水素社会の構築を新しい触媒から
New catalysts to address CO2-related issues and establish a hydrogen-based society


論文 / Publication

  1. Response of a superconductor NbSe2 flake to magnetic field detected with small tunnel junctions Hoshi, Naoki, Inoue, Dai, Sonoda, Hiroki, Yabe, Daisuke, Tomori, Hikari, Kanda, Akinobu Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1293 012016-1 - 012016-7 (2019)
  2. Influence of focused-ion-beam microfabrication on superconducting transition in exfoliated thin films of layered superconductor NbSe2 Tomori, Hikari, Hoshi, Naoki, Inoue, Dai, Kanda, Akinobu Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1293 012006-1 - 012006-6 (2019)
  3. Influence of microfabrication on superconducting properties of exfoliated thin films of layered superconductor NbSe2: reactive ion etching Tomori, Hikari, Hoshi, Naoki, Inoue, Dai, Kanda, Akinobu Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1293 012005-1 - 012005-6 (2019)
  4. 超伝導体NbSe2細線におけるBloch nose的振舞いの観測 友利ひかり, 星直樹, 井上大, 神田, 晶申 日本物理学会講演概要集 74 (1) (2019)
  5. 収束イオンビーム微細加工によるNbSe2劈開膜の超伝導転移温度の低下 友利ひかり, 星直樹, 井上大, 渡邊賢司, 谷口尚, 神田, 晶申 日本物理学会/講演概要集 74 (1) (2019)
  6. 自己組織化膜を用いたグラフェンへの格子ひずみ導入 友利ひかり, 中村和史, 田中貴弘, 神田, 晶申 日本物理学会講演概要集 73 (2) 1295 - 1295 (2018)
  7. Electron transport in a bilayer graphene/layered superconductor NbSe2 junction: Effect of work function difference Katsuhide Yarimizu, Hikari Tomori, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Akinobu Kanda 969 (1) 012147-1 - 012147-5 (2018)
  8. Andreev reflection in a proximity junction of graphene: Influence of a naturally formed pn junction Yositake Takane, Akinobu Kanda 969 (1) 012155-1 - 012155-5 (2018)
  9. 周期ひずみによるグラフェンへのバンドギャップ生成 友利, ひかり, 平出, 璃音可, 大塚, 洋一, 神田, 晶申 日本物理学会講演概要集 73 1806 - 1806 (2018)
  10. 2層グラフェン/層状超伝導体NbSe2接合の超伝導近接効果 矢部, 大輔, 鑓水, 勝秀, 友利, ひかり, 神田, 晶申, 高根, 美武 日本物理学会講演概要集 73 1233 - 1233 (2018)

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