金保 安則 / Kanaho, Yasunori

筑波大学 理事 / Executive Director, University of Tsukuba

関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE

Phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate-5-kinase α deficiency alters dynamics of glucose-stimulated insulin release to improve glucohomeostasis and decrease obesity in mice
腫瘍血管新生における低分子量G蛋白質Arf6の生理機能の解明 ~Arf6シグナル伝達系を標的とした新たな抗癌剤の開発に繋がる可能性~
Aiming at industrialization and job creation by research and drug discovery of Mediterranean medicinal plants and food medicines
シグナル伝達の異常に起因した疾患 を治療する創薬開発に向けた研究
Research for drug discovery to treat diseases caused by abnormal cellular signaling
脂質の量から質へ 生活習慣病治療のパラダイムシフトをめざして
From Quantitative to Qualitative Aspects of Lipids: Toward a Paradigm Shift in the Treatment of Lifestyle-Related Diseases
Sequential regulation of DOCK2 dynamics by two phospholipids during neutrophil chemotaxis
Phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate 5-kinase α is a downstream effector of the small G protein ARF6 in membrane ruffle formation


論文 / Publication

  1. TBC1D24 regulates recycling of clathrin-independent cargo proteins mediated by tubular recycling endosomes Nguyen, Thi Kim Nguyen, Ohbayashi, Norihiko, Kanaho, Yasunori, Funakoshi, Yuji BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS 528 (1) 220 - 226 (2020)
  2. Inhibitory effect of black raspberry extract on AGE accumulation and degradation, and ROS production in HUVEC cells Dan, Katsuaki, Takada, Atsushi, Kanaho, Yasunori, Kusumi, Yuko, Banno, Harutaka FUNCTIONAL FOODS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE 10 (6) 242 - 253 (2020)
  3. Assessment of Arf6 Deletion in PLB-985 Differentiated in Neutrophil-Like Cells and in Mouse Neutrophils: Impact on Adhesion and Migration Gamara, Jouda, Davis, Lynn, Rollet-Labelle, Emmanuelle, Hongu, Tsunaki, Funakoshi, Yuji, Kanaho, Yasunori, Aoudjit, Fawzi, Bourgoin, Sylvain G Mediators of inflammation 2020 (2020)
  4. Explant Culture of the Embryonic Mouse Spinal Cord and Gene Transfer by ex vivo Electroporation Kinoshita-Kawada, Mariko, Hasegawa, Hiroshi, Hongu, Tsunaki, Yanagi, Shigeru, Kanaho, Yasunori, Masai, Ichiro, Mishima, Takayasu, Chen, Xiaoping, Tsuboi, Yoshio, Rao, Yi, Yuasa-Kawada, Junichi, Wu, Jane Y BIO-PROTOCOL 9 (18) (2019)
  5. A crucial role for Arf6 in the response of commissural axons to Slit Kinoshita-Kawada, Mariko, Hasegawa, Hiroshi, Hongu, Tsunaki, Yanagi, Shigeru, Kanaho, Yasunori, Masai, Ichiro, Mishima, Takayasu, Chen, Xiaoping, Tsuboi, Yoshio, Rao, Yi, Yuasa-Kawada, Junichi, Wu, Jane Y Development (Cambridge, England) 146 (3) (2019)
  6. Physiological function of phospholipase D2 in anti-tumor immunity: Regulation of CD8+ T lymphocyte proliferation Van Ngo Thai Bich, Tsunaki Hongu, Yuki Miura, Naohiro Katagiri, Norihiko Ohbayashi, Yumi Yamashita-Kanemaru, Akira Shibuya, Yuji Funakoshi, Yasunori Kanaho 8 (1) 6283 (2018)
  7. LPA signaling mediates tumor lymphangiogenesis through promoting CRT expression in prostate cancer Lin, Yueh-Chien, Chen, Chien-Chin, Chen, Wei-Min, Lu, Kuan-Ying, Shen, Tang-Long, Jou, Yeong-Chin, Shen, Cheng-Huang, Ohbayashi, Norihiko, Kanaho, Yasunori, Huang, Yuan-Li, Lee, Hsinyu Biochimica et biophysica acta 1863 (10) 1305 - 1315 (2018)
  8. Phospholipase D2 promotes disease progression of renal cell carcinoma through the induction of angiogenin Shuya Kandori, Takahiro Kojima, Taeko Matsuoka, Takayuki Yoshino, Aiko Sugiyama, Eijiro Nakamura, Toru Shimazui, Yuji Funakoshi, Yasunori Kanaho, Hiroyuki Nishiyama 109 (6) 1865 - 1875 (2018)
  9. Oxidized LDL phagocytosis during foam cell formation in atherosclerotic plaques relies on a PLD2–CD36 functional interdependence Ganesan, Ramya, Henkels, Karen M, Wrenshall, Lucile E, Kanaho, Yasunori, Paolo, Gilbert Di, Frohman, Michael A, Gomez‐Cambronero, Julian Journal of Leukocyte Biology 103 (5) 867 - 883 (2018)
  10. Anti-aging effects of black raspberry extract on cataract, alopecia, skin whitening, and weight loss Dan, Katsuaki, Takada, Atsushi, Kanaho, Yasunori, Kusumi, Yuko, Banno, Harutaka FUNCTIONAL FOODS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE 8 (1) 17 - 34 (2018)

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知財 / Intellectual properties

  1. 特願2010-063109 : GTP結合型ARF6タンパク質の測定方法及びその用途 金保安則, 本宮綱記, 周淼, 長谷川潤
  2. 特願2010-050431 : Arf6遺伝子機能喪失動物及びその利用方法 金保安則, 本宮綱記, 長谷川潤, 船越祐司
  3. 特願2010-050431 : Arf6遺伝子機能喪失動物及びその利用方法 金保安則, 本宮綱記, 長谷川潤, 船越祐司
  4. 特願2004-292123 : アレルギーマウス 金保, 安則
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