タック 川﨑 レスリー / Tkach Kawasaki, Leslie

人文社会系 准教授 / Associate Professor, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE

Exploring Ideal Inclusive Education Systems through International Collaboration
ローカル・ガバナンスから ウェルビーイングの実現を目指す!
Research on local governance to promote well-being
これからもずっとハーベスト ザ サン!


論文 / Publication

  1. Individual and contextual determinants of adoption of online media services in the 2017 lower house election campaign in Japan Vergeer, Maurice, Tkach-Kawasaki, Leslie, Lee, Junku TELEMATICS AND INFORMATICS 50 (2020)
  2. Correction to: Identifying the ‘Fukushima Effect’ in Germany through policy actors’ responses: evidence from the G-GEPON 2 survey Hartwig, Manuela, Tkach Kawasaki, Leslie QUALITY & QUANTITY 54 (2020) 213 - 234 (2020)
  3. The Relationship Between Information-Sharing and Resource-Sharing Networks in Environmental Policy Governance: Focusing on Germany and Japan Lee, Junku, h.D. Candidate, Tkach Kawasaki, Leslie Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia 17 (2) 176 - 199 (2018)
  4. Analysis of the Policy Network for the ‘Feed-in Tariff Law’ in Japan: Evidence from the GEPON survey Okura, Sae, Tkach Kawasaki, Leslie, Kobashi, Yohei, Hartwig, Manuela, Tsujinaka, Yutaka Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia 15 (1) 41 - 63 (2016)
  5. Identifying the ‘Fukushima Effect’: Assessing Japanese Mass-Media Coverage of International Nuclear Power Decisions Hartwig, Manuela, Okura, Sae, Tkach Kawasaki, Leslie, Kobashi, Yohei Journal of International and Advanced Japanese Studies 8 109 - 124 (2016)
  6. Social Media for Enhancing Civil Society and Disaster Relief: Usage by Local Municipalities in Japan Kaigo,Muneo, Tkach-Kawasaki,,Leslie eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government 7 (1) 1 - 22 (2015)
  7. Energy policy participation through networks transcending cleavage: an analysis of Japanese and German renewable energy promotion policies Manuela Hartwig, Yohei Kobashi, Sae Okura, Leslie Tkach-Kawasaki 49 (4) 1485 - 1512 (2015)
  8. Mapping Political Connections in Japan: The Functions of Hyperlinks on Japanese Diet Member Websites Leslie Tkach-Kawasaki 29 (3) 300 - 312 (2011)
  9. The Information Society and the Digital Divide: Legal Strategies to Finance Global Access レスリー, タック 川﨑 International Journal of Communications Law & Policy 13 (2009)
  10. A Comparative Analysis of Politician Websites in Japan and South Korea using Website Feature Data Tkach-Kawasaki, Kim;Hyo, Kyoung, Ho Choi, and, Han Woo Park, レスリー, タック 川﨑 Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society 9 (5) 2507-2520 (2007)

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